


O! hallowed Light, and radiant,
in You no darkness found,
what hope upholds Your penitent,
whom Your great wings surround!
In Your embrace no arrogant,
no scoffer, rude his sound,
finds portion. Yet Your testament
in us sees light abound.

Perdition has enveloped some
(such vessels thrown to break);
while thrones and powers argue from
the foot of their mistake.
Vain vie they with imperium:
Your breath sets them a-quake!
The darkness has not overcome,
will never light o'ertake.

Those called to Christ from ages old
are sealed unto Your Name
as lambs of one bespeckled fold,
nor lone, nor lost, nor lame.
Burns, bright against the bitter cold
of Death, Your altar-flame.
The darkness has not taken hold,
it has no worthy claim.

We flock beneath the stainèd rood
and, by indwelling Light,
see purchased for us every good,
inherit princely right.
What burning myst'ry that we should
in grace know Your delight!
The darkness has not understood,
abjured to outer night.

In radiance at temple-throne
Your saints, arrayed, will stand,
grand pillars hewn of marble-stone
engraved by Your right hand
with God's, the City's, and Your own
new Name - our living brand
in halls where night is never known;
and we shall understand!
AMDG / 5.5.14

*this poem revolves around the possible translations of the word " katalambano" in John 1:5, which may be rendered "overtaken," "comprehended," "laid hold of," "overcome," etc. . .

Burning Eyes

Burning Eyes
(Micah 7:7-10)

I have ordained my burning eyes
to watch; the Lord must soon arise
and bear salvation forth. He comes
and, faithful, hears my yearning cries!

Take no delight, mine enemy.
Though I should fall, these eyes yet see
what deep'ning shadows cannot veil:
I mount, alight eternally!

For sin I bear His wrath, and right,
yet He will draw me into Light,
will plead for me His righteousness,
and render justice in His sight!

Lay low your eyes, fool foe, in shame,
and still that tongue which mocks my claim.
These eyes will see you trampled down
as filth beneath His promised Name!


Psalm 43

Psalm 43

Vindicate me, God Almighty, deliver me -
there is a nation that honors You not,
there is a man of deceit, and false-wrought.
Plead for my soul against all their calamity!

You are the God of my Strength! Tell me, why have You
cast out, rejected your servant made low?
Why must I mourn, and know intimate woe
under the yoke of my enemy bound anew?

Send out Your light and Your truth; I will guided be
up to the hill You have hallowed and held,
into the tent where Your presence has dwelled.
Draw me in Truth, by Your light only may I see.

I will draw near to the altar of God Most High:
He is the joy overflowing my cup!
Play on the lyre, and in praise lift Him up!
You, my God! Only God! O, my God! Hear my cry!

Why do you groan in despair in my innermost?
What has disturbed you, my soul? Give Him praise
whom you have trusted, again, who has raised
light to your countenance, God of all heaven's host!