
Some additional verses

Crown Him the royal Priest
who, from Golgotha's slope,
baptized His own, from great to least,
in one enduring hope.
From Zion's holy hill
a better blood He pleads;
His Father's purpose to fulfill,
Christ lives and intercedes.

Crown Him who, crowned with thorns
and scourged with strange offense,
despised the Cainic vault of scorn
which mocked His innocence.
For glory's greater weight
the weight of sin became
to crucify a world of hate,
wrest victory from shame.

Crown Him with thankful prayer
and gird Him 'round with psalms.
Anoint Him resurrection's heir
and pave His path with palms.
With worship wash His feet.
Cry Hallelujah! Bring
your crowns to lay at mercy's seat
where reigns our worthy King!

Crown Him the Lord of Song;
He, for His own delight
hath circumscribed the dusty tongue,
hath set its urge alight.
With eloquence hath stirred
His prophets' borrowed art,
a worthy anthem 'round to gird
those saints of joyful heart.

Crown Him the serpent's bane;
no more to kill, nor steal,
the dragon's pow'r lies crushed and vain
beneath His bruisรจd heel.
He ring'd Behemoth's nose,
He hook'd Leviathan,
ere both, by sanguine blows laid low,
are made to cry Amen!

Crown Him the Lord of wine,
the feast of heart's increase -
one bread of fellowship divine,
one cup of perfect peace.
Christ reconciled our race
to God the Trinity;
One table laid with fulsome grace,
one host of unity.