It's been entirely too long since I've posted new demotivators. No excuses, just an observation. I feel a little rusty, but it feels good to get some new ones out there. Just a quick note on the Pyromania one: lots of people call themselves pyros, but relatively few people actually are. If you're not sure, try this simple test. If you didn't see what was wrong with the picture in the Pyromania demotivator in the first five seconds or so, you aren't one. If you are a pyro, you saw it and it's going to drive you absolutely nuts for the next month or so.
Have a great day, enjoy the posters, and feel free to leave comments (spammers excluded).
You mean that there's still unburnt wood on the matches? :)
I'm surprised there were no political posters this time around.
well, crap - I guess I am one :(
I like the honesty one!
Mrs Young
Actually, Lys, there's a single unburnt matchhead in the picture - one match was burned from the wrong end. That's the part that a true pyro would notice and be bugged by.
I'm so happy to see you posted. The perfect way to end a really crappy day. :) Thanks. I love them. Have a great day. -Patty
Good round, one of your best of late (in my opinion) I particularly like the one about warning labels.
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