I'm basically guaranteed to anger somebody with this post. That in and of itself makes me several kinds of happy. Hello, and welcome back to the blog. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted - no excuse.
A couple quick nods to a pair of guys who have noted me or linked to me on their own blogs in the last couple months:
http://web.me.com/wcywhite/W_/Home.html - winton is a talented musician, check him out
http://crujonessociety.com/ - kind of a 'things we think are cool' aggregate - potentially NSFW
Thanks for the publicity, guys!
And a quick plug for one of my friends: http://www.setapartphotography.com/ Check out his mad photo skills!
As always, leave comments. It's nice knowing someone's out there.
As always, excellent job Jon. Technology is probably my fav of the set, with Sedition/Free speech as a close second...heck they were all pretty sweet. Keep up the good work! ;)
I'm still out there. Reading and watching your work. As always, excellent!!!!!
The chinese placemat is my favorite so far. :) MrsYoung
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