Gentles and Ladymen, welcome back once again. I've got a new set of demotivators up for your viewing pleasure. Please comment on them - comments make me happy :)
I'm sure some of you will sympathize with me over some of these. I'm equally sure some of you will be irritated or offended by them. So what else is new?
I think in the near future I may have to do a demotivator on flooding - Ames is near enough ready to just float away. If I don't post again for a while, it may be that my computer is simply underwater.
The fine chap who sent me the guest demotivators a while ago has sent me a new one, and is working towards a new set that I should be able to post soon! Hooray!
Until then, enjoy!
Truly Fabulous... Especially the one about gender stereotypes, and the one about bad drivers (where did you find the pic, btw?)
like the Innuendo, but the really talented can get that percent up to 75%, for proof I offer some of the conversations I have with my wife.
Another solid set this time around Jon. Bad Drivers is my personal favorite this round with runners up to going to innuendo and dystopia (very cool pic btw). Nice job as always.
Tsk Tsk Tsk
Not bad. Though I might have to slightly disagree with internet anonymity. Definately not vicious, twisted, sadistic or a deviant...
As always they made me laugh. Thank you!
Why o' why do you question big brother?
I like the picture of Detroit, perfect for use as the backdrop of Dystopia.
I earn my dime.
I look forward to the set of guest demotivators.
the internet anonymity one is my favorite of this batch.
I also took a look at some of your links.
I think my favorite was to one with the doodles - Indexed
You will have a whole new set of ideas to work with when the baby comes.
This may be your best batch so far. They're all too true.
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