More posters for your viewing delight, some of them (sadly) inspired by recent events in the lives of some of my friends. I'll leave it to your imagination to believe which ones you will.
As always, leave comments. I know some of you have been waiting for a post for a while - comments keep them coming faster and more reliably.
Thanks for the comments and for your readership (faithful, erratic, or accidental as it may be)
Another good round. Did you get the trepanning idea just off the top of your head or was it a case with a friend?
I thus earn my dime.
I've thought about something like the Che one for awhile, nice work.
middle management, what a wonderful institution; the steepest part of the downhill slope upon which "bad things" fall.
I wonder where you got that "instructional manuals" thing from?... Good picture for Middle Management btw.
YAY! I always enjoy them!
-Billy's Doppleganger
Middle MGT is genious.
and IRONY is just plain true. Seriously.
Kyle appreciated Irony. I know you own one of those shirts. :)
(PS-I swear the "word verification" gets longer with each comment I post. That should be a demotivator for you. They're not even words!!)
my first visit and i read all of the demotivational posters. GOOD! You could do a calendar or a "thought of the day" diary or some-such.
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