Welcome back. I've made some changes to the site. I got rid of links to friends who never update. I added links to some nifty blogs I've been following for a while. I added some webcomics that were on probation to the list, and I added a whole list of traditional pen-and-paper comics.
There are more demotivators in the works, but for now I'm going to do something different. A contest. Here are the rules. The image here is a Christmas puzzle. The first person to post the solution in the comments section along with a mailing addy wins one thousand internets and gets a prize sent to them. I'm still figuring out what the prize is, but there will be one. Nobody who was at my house this evening is allowed to post the answer, and I would request that those dozen people not give out the answer. Ready? Steady. Go!
You're unfairly assuming that pop culture is the point :)
Showed it to two of my students. They gave up.
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen.
Is that a message, or a hit list?
On a note TOTALLY unrelated to the Donners, I ate Reindeer the other day (thanks to Dave W) and it's very good! I thought it was fitting, given the season and all.
Nice work, Jeph. You always were the clever one. How long did it take you?
well, I had to go through every possible iteration of "Usain" and I have to admit that Pam REALLY threw me off. Plus, the game show host was quite ambiguous at first too, but seeing as I have some time to think at work, it provided some good mental gymnastics.
Pam Anderson-Lee-Rock-etc sheesh. I was thinking, flighty, fake, narcissistic???
Oh yeah, and Prancer took me on some WILD goose chases. LOL.
So, I haven't noticed any new internets, should my conxion speed be faster soon?
And for the prize, maybe we could have you over when you are up in Rapids if time allows.
that is to say, you and the fam. Or just the fam, you can stay home : )
My entry is:
(It doesn't have to make you unpopular!)
O.K., I know Elton John and Mark Twain were, but I couldn't vouch for the others theistic tendencies.
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