As always please leave a comment if you stop by to see these. I would like to build some measurable traffic on the site. So if you love these, hate these, have ideas, have pictures, or just are stopping in to say "hi", leave a note, a comment, an opinion, a piece of hate mail, a salutation, or an emoticon. Oh, and have a nice day!
these are great. it has been a while since i visited. i totally idetify with "backup plan". when are you coming up north?
Seth is so weird for posting the same thing twice. But anyway, I love these posters and I really enjoyed the cute one :) It made me laugh and smile. Y'all need to come and visit because I can't seem to get away. Luther is slowly killing me, quite violently actually. Take care :)
it's laura's fault! I sware!
yeah, um, NO!
Jon, Jon, Jon...
Great posters, but one thing I have against this blog: You have failed thusfar in reaching your original goal. Not once yet have you offended me. Disappointing.
I could get offended by that... but, I won't.
-Jason :)
Oh, I'm sure I'll get around to it sooner or later.
Have you done one on engineers yet?
I'm sure you have a few pics of jason to use! :)
-thanks again for visiting us! it was a blast.
My dad liked the Wile E. Coyte(sp?) one, it made him laugh. Me, I like them all.
Hey, I'm the guy Billy keeps getting you to do Latin Translations for. Man... I love these posters.
I wonder if all that candy would fit in my dorm room. hmmmmm
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