We, YHWH, hear Your chariot thund'ring by
and tremble at the sparks her eye-wheels throw
which rend the shrouding veil of roiling sky,
reveal the arc by which You come and go.
Yours is the word that sends the wind and rain
on beast and man alike, on sand and stone.
Your breath goes forth, returning not in vain,
but 'pon the fearful heart is heard and known.
O! YHWH, 'neath Your tread the very earth
portends her doom; her failing pillars groan
and quake, ere worlds meet for eternal worth
be rattled loose from 'midst her splint'ring bones.
Yours is the word that brings high places down.
Ravines are, as by labor-moanings, raised.
The cedars splinter, casting down their crowns,
And temples turn't to gravel pave Your ways.
We, YHWH, feel Your all-consuming flame
which spares not elements themselves, reveals
to altar-sons Your hidden, Holy name,
and blinds the fool, Your glory to conceal.
Yours is the word that sets the world ablaze
to try the work and worth of mortal hands.
It sears the hardened heart; the heart which prays
is, daily, kindled bright by joy's demand.
Yet, YHWH, now Your whistle, whisper, breath
passes not by, nor lingers, nay, but dwells -
The living Word of faith has set His hearth
between the souls of men! Immanuel!
Yours is the word that names Your chosen flock
and leads to quiet leas where want may cease.
Attune our ears as, through our midst, You walk,
and bond our heart and tongue in hallowed peace.
1 Kings 19:9-12